
See our Google Scholar page

Peer Reviewed Publications

    1. Gaede, A., Wu, S., Leitch, D.B., “Variations in touch representation in the hummingbird and zebra finch forebrain”, Current Biology, 2024. Accepted.
    2. Bellono, N*, Leitch, D.B*., Julius, D.J., “Molecular tuning of electroreception in sharks and skates”,  Nature, 558:122-126,  2018.
    3. Bellono, N*, Leitch, D.B*., Julius, D.J., “Molecular basis of ancestral vertebrate electroreception”,  Nature, 543:391-396, 2017.
    4.  Leitch, D.B., Sarko, D.K., Catania, K.C., “Brain mass and cranial nerve size in shrews and moles”,  Sci Rep, 4:6241, 2014.
    5. Sawyer, E.K., Leitch, D.B., Catania, K.C. “Organization of the spinal trigeminal nucleus in star-nosed moles”,  J Comp Neurol, 522:3335-50, 2014.
    6. Sarko, D.K., Leitch, D.B., Catania, K.C. “Cutaneous and periodontal inputs to the cerebellum of the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber)”,  Front Neuroanat, 7:39, 2013.
    7. Catania, K.C., Catania, E.H., Sawyer, E.K., Leitch, D.B. “Barelettes without barrels in the American water shrew”,  PLoS One, 8, 2013.
    8. Gerhold, K.A., Pellegrino, M., Morita, T., Leitch, D.B., Tsuruda, P.R., Fisher, A., Brem, R., Catania, K.C., Bautista, D.M. “The star-nosed mole reveals clues to the molecular basis of mammalian touch”,  PLoS One, 8, 2013.
    9.  Leitch, D.B. and K.C. Catania. “Structure, innervation, and response properties of integumentary sensory organs in crocodilians”,  J Exp Biol,  215, 4217-4230, 2012. 
    10.  Collins, C.E., Leitch, D.B., Wong, P., Kaas, J.H., Herculano-Houzel, S. “Faster scaling of visual neurons in cortical areas relative to subcortical structures in non-human primate brains”, Brain Structure and Function, 218:805-816, 2012.
    11. Leitch, D.B., Gauthier, D, Sarko, D.K., & Catania, K.C. “Chemoarchitecture of layer 4 isocortex in the American water shrew (Sorex palustris)”,  Brain Behav Evol, 78, 261-7, 2011.
    12. Catania, K.C., Leitch, D.B., Gauthier, D. “A star in the brainstem reveals the first step of cortical magnification”, PLoS One, 6, 2011.
    13. Sarko, D.K., Leitch, D.B., Girard, I., Sikes, R.S., Catania, K.C. “Organization of somatosensory cortex in the Northern grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster), a predatory rodent”, J Comp Neurol, 519,64-74, 2011.
    14.  Catania, K.C., Leitch, D.B., Gauthier, D. “Function of the appendages in tentacle snakes (Erpeton tentaculatus)”,  J Exp Biol, 213, 359-67, 2010.
    15. Collins, C.E., Airey, D.C., Young, N.A., Leitch, D.B., Kaas, J.H. “Neuron densities vary across and within cortical areas in primates”,  PNAS, 10, 15927-32, 2010.
    16. Sarko, D.K., Catania, K.C., Leitch, D.B., Kaas, J.H., Herculano-Houzel, S. “Cellular scaling rules of insectivore brains”,  Front Neuroanat, 3, 8, 2009.
    17. Stanwood, G.D., Leitch, D.B., Savchenko, V., Wu, J., Fitsanakis, V.A., Anderson, D.J., Stankowski, J.N., Aschner, M., McLaughlin, B. “Manganese exposure is cytotoxic and alters dopaminergic and GABAergic neurons within the basal ganglia”,  J Neurochem, 110, 378-89, 2009.
    18. Stankowski, J.N., Leitch, D.B., Aschner, M., Mclaughin, B., Stanwood, G.D. “Selective vulnerability of dopaminergic systems to Manganese: Relevance to occupational exposure”, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 30, 259, 2008.



  1. Gaede, A., Wu, S., and Leitch, D.B. (2023) “Discrete somatotopic representation and neural responses properties in hummingbird and zebra finch forebrain nuclei”,  bioRxiv. 

Other Publications

    1. Leitch, D.B. (2023) “Insights into the biophysical properties of electrogenesis and electroreception”,  Fish Physiology.
    2. Leitch, D.B.  and A. Gaede (2021). “Specialized somatosensory systems revealed: comparative structure, function, and transduction through cutaneous receptors of the body”. In J. Kaas (Ed.), The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference. Elsevier Oxford.
    3. Leitch, D.B.  and D. Julius (2019). Electrosensory transduction: comparisons across structure, afferent response properties, and cellular physiology. In B.A. Carlson and J. Sisneros (Eds.), Electroreception: Fundamental Insights from Comparative Approaches. Springer New York.